HKPNC Auction

Please choose the following category and select Lot(s) for bidding!

* Click the Lot name for photo preview
* Select Item and Start Bidding
    Lot Price(HKD)
1 $300
2 $2,500
3 $1,000
4 $1,200
5 $1,300
6 $3,500
7 $1,300
8 $1,200
9 $1,000
10 $800
11 $600
12 $1,800
13 $900
14 $1,600
15 $500
16 $600
17 $600
18 $500
19 $4,500
20 $800
21 $800
22 $600
    Lot Price(HKD)
118 $1,600
119 $2,800
120 $9,000
121 $18,000
122 $9,000
123 $600
124 $800
125 $200
126 $300
127 $200
128 $300
129 $900
130 $2,200
131 $350
132 $1,000
133 $600
134 $900
135 $2,200
136 $1,500
137 $1,800
138 $2,500
139 $3,600
140 $2,000
141 $1,100
142 $5,500
143 $7,500
144 $7,000
145 $1,000
146 $27,000
147 $600
148 $700
149 $2,800
150 $1,600
151 $3,200
152 $300
153 $600
154 $800
155 $400
156 $500
157 $300
158 $400
159 $300
160 $200
161 $1,000
162 $800
163 $200
    Lot Price(HKD)
164 $400
165 $700
166 $700
167 $900
168 $900
169 $1,400
170 $400
171 $400
172 $700
173 $700
174 $1,600
175 $2,000
176 $600
177 $1,000
178 $600
179 $1,500
180 $400
181 $700
182 $1,500
183 $700
184 $1,600
185 $1,800
186 $1,400
187 $2,000
188 $800
189 $900
190 $1,000
191 $1,300
192 $2,800
193 $700
194 $700
195 $1,800
196 $800
197 $1,400
198 $1,800
199 $1,100
200 $800
201 $1,800
202 $1,600
203 $1,800
204 $300
205 $1,500
206 $12,000
207 $800
208 $300
209 $300
210 $300
211 $4,500
212 $1,200
213 $500
214 $250
215 $300
* Click the Lot name for photo preview
* Select Item and Start Bidding